E Bike Conversion vs Ready Made E Bikes

E Bike Conversion vs Ready Made E Bikes

E-bikes are a great way to commute, exercise, and have fun, but they can also be expensive. If you already own a bicycle that you love, why not turn it into an electric bike instead of buying a new one off the shelf? Here are five reasons why an e-bike conversion might be the better option for you.

  1. Cost: Buying a quality off-the-shelf e-bike can be expensive, with prices starting from PHP 40,000 and going up to PHP 200,000 or more. With an e-bike conversion kit, you can turn your existing bicycle into an electric one for a fraction of the cost. You can expect to pay between PHP 24,000 to PHP 80,000 for a high-quality conversion kit.

  2. Customization: With an e-bike conversion, you have the opportunity to customize your ride to meet your specific needs. You can choose the type of motor, battery, and other components that work best for you. This level of customization is not possible with off-the-shelf e-bikes.

  3. Compatibility: When you convert your existing bicycle, you know that the components will be compatible with your frame and other components. With off-the-shelf e-bikes, you may have to deal with compatibility issues and make compromises on the components you want.

  4. Repairability: E-bike conversion kits are much easier to repair than off-the-shelf e-bikes. If something goes wrong with your electric bike, you can easily replace the part yourself or take it to a local bike shop for repair. With off-the-shelf e-bikes, you may have to deal with more complicated repairs that require special tools and expertise.

  5. Reuse: Converting your existing bicycle into an electric one is a sustainable option, as it keeps a bike out of the landfill and reduces the need for new resources to be used in the production of a new e-bike.

In conclusion, e-bike conversion is a cost-effective, customizable, and sustainable option for those looking to turn their existing bicycle into an electric one. With a high-quality conversion kit and a little bit of know-how, you can have a reliable electric bike that meets your specific needs and keeps your bicycle out of the landfill.


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